Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Songs of Zion

Long ago the prophets told
Of the time we now behold,
When the glorious church or city of our God
Would upon a mountain stand,
As a light to all the land,
And to it the nations all would flow together. Refrain:
Together, together,
We were raised up together from the miry clay of sin,
And we dwell now together, every heart to heart akin;
We in heav’nly places sit,
For we’re framed and joined and knit,
In the love of Christ our Savior together.
From the loathsome plains of sin,
Where our suff’ring souls had been
Held in bondage under Satan’s tyrant sway,
To the mount of holiness,
High above unrighteousness,
Jesus’ love has gathered all of us together.
We’re the temple of the Lord,
Built together on His word,
And our Father in His temple ever dwells;
We will walk together here,
In His love and godly fear,
And our voices shall exalt His name together.
In this temple of our God
We’re admitted through the blood
Which the Savior shed to cleanse and make us whole,
Then we’re “lively stones” indeed,
Conqu’rors through the holy seed,
And are pillars in the church of God forever.
Of the church of God alone
Jesus is the “Corner stone,”
And the standard is the plumbline of His word;
With His Spirit as our guide
Who has come with us to ’bide—
Sanctified, the light, the truth we see together.
There are many souls in sin,
Jesus seeks to bring them in;
Let us work together with the Lord today:
Then when all the work is done,
And He comes to claim His own,
We’ll be caught up in the clouds with Him together.
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Holy is the church of God,
And holy is her Lord;
Her children all are born of God,
They stand upon His word. Refrain:
Holy is the church of God,
Pure in Jesus’ blood;
Holy is the bride of Christ,
Holy is her Lord.
Holy, holy, holy,
Christ, the Father’s Son;
Holy is His bride the church,
Blest holy two made one.
Holy is the church of God:
If you would enter in,
You must be cleansed in Jesus’ blood
From every stain of sin.
Holy is the church of God,
And holy we must be,
If we would share her blessings here,
Her final glory see.
Holy is the church of God;
It is her Master’s will;
And while the endless ages roll,
She shall be holy still.
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Now to the holy city
The faithful gather home;
To Zion’s mount of glory
With songs of joy they come.
Jerusalem the golden,
Jerusalem the free,
With joyful hearts and voices
The ransomed come to thee.
Now eye to eye beholding
The way-marks on the road,
All bound in love together,
They’re coming home to God:
One mind and mouth possessing,
They speak with one accord,
And in the heights of Zion
They shout and praise the Lord.
Sing glory to the Savior,
High over all the world;
On Zion’s heights forever
His banner is unfurled.
God’s church can be no longer
Obscured from human sight;
For see, on yonder mountain,
A city filled with light!
No longer Babel’s bondage
The bride of Christ can hold;
God’s children now are holy,
And free from Babel’s fold:
For it is fallen, fallen,
And it shall rise no more;
We cling alone to Jesus,
As did the saints of yore.
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·         Eric Winter
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Church of the Living God,
The pillar of the truth,
Thou dost enclose within thy walls
The aged and the youth;
Here in thy light of love,
Both saints and angels meet;
Here every tribe and kindred come
In fellowship so sweet.
Church of the Living God,
Thou light of this dark vale,
Against thy onward march divine
All hell cannot prevail;
For thee a price was paid,
The blessed Savior’s blood;
By His own hand He’ll hold thee up,
And bring thee home to God.
Church of the Living God,
We wait no future time,
But now on earth with joy we dwell
Within thy courts sublime;
Oh, thou dost triumph now,
And shalt at any cost;
And if thy glory be unseen,
’Tis hid but to the lost.
Church of the Living God,
So peaceful is thy rest,
For God has placed thy members all
As pleaseth Him the best;
No envy breaks thy peace;
The Father gave His Son
To cleanse thee from each vain desire,
And mold thee all in one.
Church of the Living God,
Thou lovely one so pure,
No strangers come within thy gates,
For Jesus is the door;
By Him if any come,
They must from sin be free;
He guardeth well the only door,
And holds the only key.
Church of the Living God,
Thy sons are born of love;
In Heaven’s golden book of life
Their names are kept above;
And God shall count His saints,
Preserve them by His grace,
And naught but sin against His Word
Shall e’er their names erase.
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·         Eric Winter
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Church of God, thou spotless virgin,
Church of Christ, for whom He died,
Thou hast known no human founder,
Jesus bought thee for His bride.
Sanctified by God the Father,
Built by Jesus Christ the Son,
Tempered by the Holy Spirit,
Like the Holy Three in One.
God Himself has set the members
In His body all complete,
Organized by Jesus only,
Oh, the union, pure and sweet!
Church of God, the angels marvel
At the music of thy song;
Earth and hell in terror tremble,
As thy army moves along.
Church of God, “beloved city,”
Thou art of celestial mold;
Lo, from God, and out of heaven,
Came the city of pure gold.
Stones of jasper, clear as crystal,
Is the building of thy wall;
And the Lamb, thy light forever,
Jesus, Jesus, all in all.
God’s own holiness within thee,
His own beauty on thy brow;
Glorified in His own image,
This thy wondrous portion now.
In thee dwells the triune fullness,
Blessing all thy pilgrim days;
All around thee His salvation,
And before thee gates of praise.
Church of God, in heaven written,
Thine the risen life of Christ,
And the treasures to thee given,
Never, never can be priced.
Far above this world’s confusion,
Walking close by Jesus’ side,
Leaning on His loving bosom,
Is the church, His chosen bride.
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“Called unto holiness,” church of our God,
Purchase of Jesus, redeemed by His blood;
Called from the world and its idols to flee,
Called from the bondage of sin to be free. Refrain:
“Holiness unto the Lord” is our watchword and song,
“Holiness unto the Lord” as we’re marching along;
Sing it, shout it, loud and long,
“Holiness unto the Lord,” now and forever.
“Called unto holiness,” children of light,
Walking with Jesus in garments of white;
Raiment unsullied, nor tarnished with sin;
God’s Holy Spirit abiding within.
“Called unto holiness,” praise His dear Name!
This blessed secret to faith now made plain:
Not our own righteousness, but Christ within,
Living, and reigning, and saving from sin.
“Called unto holiness,” glorious thought!
Up from the wilderness wanderings brought,
Out from the shadows and darkness of night,
Into the Canaan of perfect delight.
“Called unto holiness,” bride of the Lamb,
Waiting the Bridegroom’s returning again!
Lift up your heads, for the day draweth near
When in His beauty the King shall appear.
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·         Eric Winter
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The church of the morning bright,
Like crystal so clear her light,
Triumphant, she knew no fears;
In finest white linen dressed;
Pure holiness she possessed,
Two hundred and sev’nty years. Refrain:
Hell never can destroy the church,
Built by the Savior’s hands;
Upon the Rock, the solid Rock,
Christ Jesus, still she stands;
Despite of persecution’s flood,
And gates of hell forsooth;
She’s still the kingdom of the Lord,
The pillar of the truth.
The sun went down ere his time,
The moon also ceased to shine,
Left Zion in bitter tears;
No star then appeared in sight,
Oh, long dreary papal night!
Twelve hundred and sixty years.
A rising the sun of day,
Disperses the night away
While popery quakes with fears;
Shone dimly the gospel ray,
There followed a cloudy day—
Three hundred and fifty years.
We welcome the evening light;
The gospel so clear and bright
Breaks forth as in days of yore;
The mists are all cleared away,
All hail the supernal day!
The sun shall go down no more.
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·         Eric Winter
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O church of God, in Christ a new creation
Wrought by His great salvation,
Thy golden glory now breaks forth upon our sight!
Sitting aloft in the top of the mountains,
Now we behold her—the city of light! Refrain:
Beautiful for situation is Mount Zion,
The joy of the earth, the mountain of love!
Up to her summit all nations now flow—
All souls who are born from above.
O church of God, the city of the holy,
The dwelling of the lowly,
What bliss to dwell where we may e’er her blessings share!
Surely the “springs of the Lord” are within her,
Sparkling with graces so rich and so rare.
O church of God, what fold have we beside thee?
What man-made creed can hide thee?
Thy light and glory shall shine forth forevermore!
“Come, all ye people,” her sweet voice is calling,
“Enter through Jesus, for He is the door.”
O church of God, thou art a “holy nation,”
A “chosen generation,”
Which hast found mercy through God’s dear, beloved Son;
Out from all schisms and classes of people
Thou He hast purchased and molded in one.
O church of God, the place of God’s own dwelling—
All darkness here dispelling—
The Lord of glory walks and talks in holy men;
He is their God and they are His people;
He has redeemed them from all of their sin.
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·         Eric Winter
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The gates of hell cannot prevail
Against the church divine;
Though sword and fire and unbelief
And hate and scorn combine
To trample her beneath their tread,
She shall arise and shine. Refrain:
Jerusalem, Mount Zion fair,
Thou city of the free!
Thy matchless walls, thy palaces,
Thy strong high tow’rs we see!
Thou mother of each holy one—
Our hearts exult in thee!
The gates of hell cannot prevail,
The right shall triumph still;
High over all, in spite of foes,
Shall reign God’s sov’reign will;
As waters overspread the seas,
His glory earth shall fill.
The gates of hell cannot prevail;
To holy war arise!
Lift high the banners of the Lord
And shout to earth and skies!
Our King Immanuel marches on,
And hosts of hell defies.
The gates of hell cannot prevail;
Infernal legions strong
Must cower ’neath the mighty tread
Of victors over wrong!
Oh, lift thy voice, thou church of God,
In joyous battle song.
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·         Eric Winter
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Do you hear them coming, brother?—
Thronging up the steeps of light,
Clad in glorious shining garments,
Blood-washed garments, pure and white! Refrain:
’Tis a glorious church without spot or wrinkle,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb;
’Tis a glorious church without spot or wrinkle,
Washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Do you hear the stirring anthems,
Filling all the earth and sky?
’Tis a grand, victorious army;
Lift its banner up on high!
Never fear the clouds of sorrow,
Never fear the storms of sin:
We shall triumph on the morrow—
Even now our joys begin.
Wave the banner, shout His praises,
For our victory is nigh!
Following our conqu’ring Savior,
We shall reign with Him on high!

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