Friday, August 5, 2016

Functional Unity

Functional Unity
Brother Eric Okhuakhua

Article I.                        

Section 1.01                   Introduction

This is a humble inquiry into the above matter as it concerns the church of God in Nigeria. It is an interesting topic because it doesn’t only treat the oneness of the Church of God but also looks at how effective its oneness is when placed side by side with its original purpose. I rejoice for the recent open door that the Lord allowed for this subject to be considered at the recent National Ministers Seminar in Nsukka this year. The issue was there expressed in plainness of speech, with much munificence, The highpoint was the deftness in presenting otherwise difficult themes which hitherto had only been slightly touched on the surface or whispered from afar by some that seemed to be in the fore-front of the much touted “unity” in the Nigerian churches of God in the recent past. This was what I tried to show a couple of years ago in a personal letter titled: “Message from My Heart” but it was inadvertently misconstrued and maligned. When we canvass for unity, we ought to define clearly what kind of unity we desire. Let the unity you stand for be well defined with respect to its purpose and function, in order to clear all doubts in the minds of the groups you are reaching out to. Once again I praise the great effort to give voice to that, which is being muttered in certain quarters though needed to be voiced to give direction for the realizing an utmost yearning. In a realistic or pragmatic approach, a perception of the present “unity” in the Nigerian “church of God” movements was given and clear-cut solution to the perceived short-comings was also given.
Functionalism was spelt out as not merely about the appearance of an object but its usefulness. The obvious questions in the presentation were:
1.         How functional is the present unity of the various groups?
2.       Is it working properly?
3.       Should we pretend it is well when it obviously isn’t?
4.       What practical ways can the problems be solved apart from the ideas so far provided that seem to have added no perceptible value?
The premise of the whole issue is captured in the sentence: “there is a problem on ground in Nigerian Churches of God.” The picture presented in the paper, showing lack of cohesion among groups which claim to be the true church as opposed to denominations and sects, is clearly disturbing to the natural mind, especially when man is convinced that it is in his power to set these things in order. It would be a very ugly situation for such a story to gain attention in the national tabloid with such a reproachable caption as: “Brethren at War”. Since it will be difficult to explain issues of doctrinal differences to the world who expect “brethren” to be brethren indeed, any mind that is naturally gifted with the spirit of unity will normally appeal for ministers and pillars to be more deliberate in their efforts for unity by putting aside “conflicting” doctrines and fostering some kind of love that is blind to conflicting peculiarities in order to cement the ties of the union. To this school of thought, this will fulfill the prayer of the Lord for the church, so that the world may be convinced that we are the true church, as opposed to the teeming denominations, daughters of the mystery harlot. This seems to be a beautiful arrangement to any natural mind that is inclined towards cooperation among people of different backgrounds. It is good that everyone now knows what kind of unity is being canvassed for, instead of laboring in the dark for an undefined unity. The onus is now on individuals and leaders of thoughts, especially the spiritually minded, to make the needed judgment that will not only keep the church in the right course, but also glorify God’s name in the eyes of honest men.

Now my work in this present paper is to test the underlying concepts of this kind of functional unity and compare them with the true Bible standard. My challenge in this task is my average academic background. I pray I do not end up giving out a message completely different from that, which lies in my heart. All I have in my heart is the love of truth. I plead that my inadequacies be looked upon with Christian love, as I depend solely on the mercy of God to remove the gray clouds from the broad sky of truth that the light might shine quite steadily in our hearts in this evening time of God’s grace. If just one soul is drawn to the seat of mercy in contrition by this paper, I have got paid in full for all my labor. While I work prayerfully, hoping to be divinely guided in order to give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God, I will glean from the original paper elaborately placing some of the thoughts side by side. First, we shall endeavor to contemplate over its opening subtitle under the following caption:

Section 1.02                 Idealism versus Realism

I chose this caption because that is what came to my mind after reading the Shakespearean quote ‘I could be in a nutshell, and count myself a king of an indefinite world’. This assertion exposes the fanciful thinking of the idealist who thinks himself a king but of an indefinite or imaginary world. It is likened to building castles in the air. By this single statement the holds of so-called “abstract or theoretical messages on unity of faith or of Spirit which does not refer to any known body or people” is pulled down.
Realism or pragmatism is always preferred to idealism when it comes to solving real problems anywhere in the world. So it is praiseworthy for anyone to seek for practical ways for things to work. However, when going for such solutions, it is proper to understudy the problem in its entirety in order not to take a wrong approach that might worsen the problem. When we fail to fully grasp the true nature of the subject, our efforts at achieving a reprieve will be counterproductive. In the next session we shall attempt, by God’s grace, to address the underlying perspectives in the whole matter. This will help us divide the concepts rightly.

Section 1.03                 Perspectives

Depending on the angle on which you stand to view things, what you consider as mere fantasy, romanticism or idealism may be pragmatic, realistic, empirical or functional to another. For example our Christian faith is not built on the plain of physical realism, but on spiritual realism. The materialistic thinker will definitely dismiss this claim as abstract because it cannot be grasped by his faculties. It is utter nonsense to him! For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. (1Cor 3:19) Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1Corinth. 1:25) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1Co 2:14) The natural man imagines himself as a realist because he bases his judgment on visible things and not on abstract things such like messages on unity of faith or Spirit which do not refer to any known body or group. To him, the world of spirit or faith is some imaginary, indefinite, unfeasible or implausible world. But the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ is His doctrine which is not based on visible or corruptible things, such as silver and gold, but on the power of God. “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal”. (2Co 4:18) The church of God belongs to Him. Let’s leave the working of organizing her structures to Him if we truly desire to be in His eternal church. He it is in whom all the building fitly framed together grows unto a holy temple in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 2:21) Our own duty is to prayerfully strive to remain in the love and truth of God which is the frame of the church.
We could readily settle this matter and put an end to further contemplations by identifying what the church of God is, and what it is not. She is the pillar and ground of truth, (1Ti 3:15) not just a group of friends who must never part, come what may. But, again, the natural intelligence will dismiss our submissions as mere abstract idealism. We admit that the world will not understand the issues about the church. They can publish whatever headlines that enter their fleshly mind. After all worse things were said about our President and Founder, Jesus Christ. “…Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not”. (1John 3:1) We don’t expect them to understand everything clearly as spiritual men will. “Then how will they be drawn to the church?” No man can come to the church of Jesus Christ except the Father which sent Christ draws him. (John 6:44, 65) We don’t change the rules to help God! The actual difficulty in this discourse is the conflicting perspectives. Except this is resolved, how can we rightly “discern the Lord's body”? We cannot discuss matters of the church effectively without discerning the Lord's body in the light of her spiritual constituents. This effort is being bestowed with the hope that some will be instructed in meekness who may be within the reach of God’s mercy for repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. (2Ti 2:25)

Section 1.04                 God’s Perspective

Now the gospel truth is this: God’s philosophy is way higher than that of man: for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God’s ways higher than men’s ways and his thoughts than theirs. (Isaiah 55:8-9) The natural man cannot please God since he cannot sense God with his faculties; neither can he be certain what His perfect will is. Here lies the futility of assessing spiritual things with physical faculties. Why is this so? It is because they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1Co 2:14) While his physical senses see obvious “problems on ground in Nigerian Churches of God”, the Omniscient Intelligence attests that the foundation of the house of God, which His Son, Jesus Christ has built, stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (2Tim 2:19) While we stand the risk of being judged as living in a fool’s paradise, living in denial, or even being dishonest and hypocritical, we prefer to compare spiritual things with spiritual. (1Cor.2:13) The sublime message that we have here for the truth-seeking soul from 2Tim 2:19, which was quoted above, is to depart from iniquity, striving to enter in at the strait gate of righteousness: for many, says the Lord Jesus, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. (Lu 13:24) This is enough to make us sober, pause and ponder on what it will be to miss this strait and narrow way, which only few can find. Thus the church of God is not the mass of groups in America, Nigeria or elsewhere, but those who are doing the will of the Father in heaven. Many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able! This brings to the mind the picture of Noah’s ark with only a family of eight saved in the whole world. It doesn’t sound like the universal unity some would desire for the church. The fact of desiring and seeking to enter should have been enough entry requirements for all. Yet God is bent on screening the church further to not only those who know his will, but to those who also do it. What does Christ say about God’s will and His doctrine? “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself”. (John 7:17) We cannot separate God’s will from the doctrine. If only we will do His will instead of ours, then we shall recognize his doctrine because His Spirit will bear witness with our spirit that it is of God. The Spirit is in agreement with the Truth. Many are too busy doing their own will to know of the doctrine whether it be of God or of self. When self is on the seat of God, a man can be bold to regard certain divine instructions or injunctions as Bro Apollo’s or Eric’s doctrines, etc, so that either of them can set aside some peculiars ones to achieve unity between the two of them. If everyone is truly interested in spiritually organic unity we should all endeavor to give up our will to do God’s will so that we can know of the doctrine whether it be of God or of the flesh.

Section 1.05                 But Christ Prayed for the Unity of All Not Some Believers

We are reminded at this juncture that the churches of God should be united because unity among believers is the will of Christ. He prayed for it in the seventeenth chapter of the book of John. What did he pray for? Did he pray for the oneness of everyone irrespective of their doctrines, such that the various local congregations can believe whatever they like and show love to one another as one body? A body is supposed to have only one mouth. But if you have a body with several mouths speaking different conflicting things, what sort of monster would that be?

Jesus said, “I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.”

The church of God is not made up of all flesh that say, Lord, Lord, but of such as the Father gives unto His Son, Jesus Christ. It is the men who keep God’s word (doctrine) that His name is manifested to. “I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.” (John 17:6) These are the ones He prayed for to be one, not those who have no regard for His doctrine but feel at liberty to set aside any part of it they consider inexpedient in order to achieve some kind of unity with all sheds of men who profess to be churches of God. We are to keep all of God’s word, not select and choose the ones that are convenient to ourselves and our cultures. It is the keeping of the Word that validates our membership of the church. Many associate themselves with the church without entering in through the door of salvation through repentance. They are not members of church of God until they enter in through the door. The door is still open. But will they enter? No. But they desire unity!

“… I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.” (John 17:8) When the word of truth is given many do not receive it, but exclaim: “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” (John 6:60) Unity is not imposed on everyone. There are conditions to be meant before unity can take place. Christ did force the condition on anyone; rather it is for whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Rev 22:17)

The Holy Spirit is the unbroken chain uniting the Father and the Son, as well as all believers in Christ Jesus. True unity exists among all true believers. Perfect love entwines about each heart in which God’s will is done. There is a warm embrace when they meet in fellowship. The prayer of Christ for His church is answered when each heart is purified with all dross removed for perfect love to abound. That is why He prayed for the Father to sanctify them through His TRUTH; His Word is TRUTH. (John 17:17) We cannot set this TRUTH aside to achieve unity. If we forsake this TRUTH, we shall only take a stand with the Son of Perdition, who was not kept together with the disciples in the Father’s name. (John 17:12) It is therefore clear that the unity of believers excludes children of perdition who keep not the Word, though they lay claim to be in the number.

It is not proper to set aside some biblical doctrines in the face of doctrinal differences. We should not pick and choose one evil of setting doctrines aside just because of the fear another evil of division. When we approach the differences in the right spirit, it will be resolved readily. There is no need to entertain the fear of division. There must be such righteous division, so that they who are approved members of the church may be made manifest and the disapproved reprobates become manifested. (1Cor 11:19)

The “universal Christ” who loves unity says: “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division” (Lu 12:51). (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Lu 2:35) How shall their folly be manifest unto all men? (2Ti 3:9) Some may think that by all men is meant that all flesh, including their followers, will be convinced that they are false. Such interpretation will not sit well with scriptural language. Otherwise, the prophecy of “all flesh” in Joel 2:28 could not be said to have been fulfilled in Ac 2:17, because only a few hundred of souls received the promise. In the same vein their folly is made manifest by their visible separation from the body. “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” (1Jo 2:19) The “all men” refers only to the men in the spiritual fold. It is true that not all the spiritual men may discern the spiritual condition of the reprobate at the same time. Nevertheless, there will be some like Paul who will already take note of such men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith, who also resist the TRUTH as Jannes and Jambres that withstood Moses, and warn others to beware of them. By their fruits ye shall know them. (Note that it is the TRUTH Paul says they oppose, not the office of pastor or apostle, which carnal men esteem above the TRUTH. Such people have so little regard for TRUTH that they can lay it aside at the slightest situation of inconvenience).

Section 1.06                 The Doctrine

The word doctrine appears 53 verses in the King James Version of the Bible, including the marginal readings. It is represented in the Hebrew Scriptures by 3 words, namely, leqach, sh@muw`ah and muwcar; in the Greek Scriptures it is represented by the word “didache”. The various forms simply mean instruction, warning, teaching, etc. In English Language it can be understood as a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school; its synonyms include “school of thought”. It is therefore safe to describe doctrine as the body of thoughts that makes up a system. Therefore, a man’s doctrine is more or less his personality because his life consists of the totality of his thoughts: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Pr 23:7) In like manner, the doctrine of the church of God is the body of teachings that forms the belief or faith of her members. This is what differentiates her from the body of harlots who readily accept doctrines from any man she commits fornication with. The bride of Christ is faithful to her husband’s doctrine. (Rom 6:1; 16:17; Eph 4:14; 1Tim 1:3, 10; 4:6, 13, 16; 5:17; 6:1, 3; 2Tim 3:10, 16; 4:2, 3; Tit 1:9; 2:1, 7-10)

Article II.                      

Section 2.01                 The Cornerstone of Unity

Could mere association or outward intermingling of various groups that bear the name of the Lord be enough for functional unity, by merely making deliberate efforts such as “accepting any gospel from other ministries as you would want every other person to accept your own in your pursuit of unity other than mere labor on teaching doctrine as a means to achieve unity”? (Is it scripturally acceptable for various groups that bear the same name of the Lord in the same country to keep different contradictory doctrines as their own doctrines? For avoidance of doubt, membership of groups within the one body of Christ is forbidden (1Co 12:25). The fact of accepting groupism is already evidence of being an organized division or Babylon)

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. (1Co 1:10) “For ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28) “Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” (Phil. 1:27) “Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” (Phil. 2:2) “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus; that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 15:5) “The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul.” (Act. 4:32)

Brother D. S. Warner commenting on the above verses, said the following concerning sects:

“Can anybody look upon this picture and not see an awful contrast between it and the dark picture of the present-day sect confusion? … Behold, they are not of one mind, nor of one judgment; they are not one in … creed, or body; they are not of one heart, nor of one soul, nor of one spirit, nor yet of one faith; they have not one mouth, nor do they speak the same things. They are never one... As God confounded the Babel-builders, and they all became divided, and of different tongues, so he has sent his thunderbolts of wrath upon Rome, the mother of harlots, and has knocked off several hundred Protestant fragments, each one of which speaks the peculiar dialect of its creed. The church, compared with a human body, is required to have but one mouth, which means perfect harmony in all her teaching. If we were to allow that the multiplicity of sects are the church, then a human monstrosity, having several hundred mouths, and every mouth speaking contrary to every other mouth, would be necessary to symbolize it. As the body of Christ has but one mouth and speaks the same things, it is very evident that the jargon confusion of sect tongues does not represent his body, and is not His church.”

If this is not clear enough, I wonder if any other can be. One obvious fact that some (either seem to have ignored or) appear to be ignorant of is that it is not enough to bear the name: church of God or be associated by history or select doctrines of the Bible to be regarded as part of the body of Christ. Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2Co 11:14) He only has to get the Bible name and a few sound doctrines mixed with his abominations to lie in wait and deceive the “unlearned and unstable”. Should the church of God now for the sake of unity, shut her eyes to a multiplicity of doctrines like “a human monstrosity having several mouths and every mouth speaking contrary to every other mouth”? Should we unite with every group that bears the name irrespective to the creeds they hold? Or should we just accept some parts of ministry A’s teachings and have them do same about ours like proverbial humble dogs prostrating for each other, without due diligence to try the teachings by the written word of God? Some argue that the problem is not as much with the word of God as it is with the interpretation thereof. While we shall readily agree with them, we are reminded that each minister of the gospel is supposed to “study to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. It is clear that the word of truth needs to be divided rightly. If it isn’t, the problem of falsehood will still persist. Yes, it is agreed that some are sincerely ignorant. Their false doctrine or interpretation may not be deliberate. This is the more reasons sincere seekers for unity should be ready to submit their peculiar doctrines to Biblical investigations in Seminars, etc. If it is true that many are sincerely ignorant about the accuracy or otherwise of their group’s teachings they should be humble and willing enough to reason together with others, not with a rigid mind, but with an attitude to unravel the truth, whatever it may be. There sure will be problems when one is not only ignorant but also rigid in his beliefs. Some are content with the little they have understood from the Bible, without any desire to learn more. They even resist additional knowledge that may help clarify the difficulty in what has been accepted as truth, making a jest of the things they don’t understand. (2Pe 2:12) With that kind of mindset, they are leading disciples after themselves who are too lazy to dig deep into the truth. (Mt 15:14) For what time some ought to be teachers, they have need that one teach them again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Heb 5:12-14) The bane of the various church groups today in Nigeria is that there seem to be many who have “need that one teach them again which be the first principles of the oracles of God”, but instead of setting down to be taught, they have stood up to be counted among “many masters” (James 3:1). Permit me therefore to add carnality and lack of humility to the list of factors militating true and functional unity in Nigerian church of God groups. (James 3:16) Or how else will somebody feel that church registration with the government makes him a president? Or how else will he even entertain the thought that the essence of unity is to rob him of his kingdom? If it is accepted that such a person is carnal and lacks humility, it will answer a big question in this matter and reduce our labor to bring the truth to the light by bringing us back to the question of genuine salvation on the part of such a person; for hear the words of Christ: “…Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Mt 18:3. If men such as these truly be as described then they be not converted as yet and become as little children, therefore they be no members of the body of Christ, which is the church of God. Now, what are we talking about? What kind of presidents in the body of Christ? At this point, I’m so short of words! No wonder the Omniscient Intelligence witnesses that in spite of this apparent problem of disunity in the churches of God in Nigeria, which any natural mind cannot deny, the foundation of God is still standing sure because God knows them that are His. The solemn and sublime message to every truth seeking soul is to strive to be counted as a member, rather than a number of a “loving” group, by departing from iniquity as well as bearing the name of the Lord. It is the Lord that adds souls to His church daily as many as should be saved. It is He also that organizes and unites the church. If any man tampers with His arrangement, it is no longer the church of God, but of men, notwithstanding the inscription on the signboard outside the building.

A story has been given about an encounter with a prospective brother in Okposi who is concerned about the lack of cooperation among supposed brethren of the same church. He is willing to join the church if this issue is resolved. The fact of two different bodies bearing the same name: “church of God” hosting campmeeting in the same locality same year is really worrisome to a heart that loves cooperation among all peoples. But we must remain true to God’s word, which is the only means to bring men into the kingdom of God. It is true that the villagers will not understand why two churches in the same village which bear the same name should not work together. Unknown to them, it is the life and doctrine of the people that validate their claim to the church. Unity among them will only mean a desire by all concerned to see things in the same way. The watchmen or pastors ought to lift up their voice together in oneness whether to preach or to sing as a result of being able to see eye to eye, when the LORD brings again Zion, according to Isaiah 52:8. We cannot seek for unity through the back door in order to get a soul to join us. Any soul won in such a human arrangement will only be built upon sinking sand if the testimony is not based on the truth of God’s word. (Lu 6:48) If we stand with the TRUTH of God’s Word, it will be seen that no man will dare join himself to the church: but rather the people will magnify the church. (Act 5:13) Who has eyes and does not see here the snare the Devil has set up for the church of God by sowing tares among the wheat? Let it be known that instead of joining the church, Psalm 87:5 shows us that: “And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her...” It is the Lord who will add to the church daily such as should be saved. (Act 2:47) This has made it imperative to insist on the right doctrine to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep receive the Shepherd’s instruction without debate, but the goats choose their own opinions. That good Shepherd will soon return. Will He find us with the same faith or doctrine He once gave to the saints? (1Pe 5:4; Lu 18:8; Jude 1:3)

Section 2.02                Functionalism Reviewed

Thankfully a fair definition of functionalism has been given. It “is the idea that the most important thing about the style or design of a building or object is its usefulness and not how it looks”. So now this object or building in question is the body of Jesus Christ. It is not the size or attractive appearance of the body that makes it functional but the intrinsic vitality that makes it lively. It is not about the great number of persons that bear the name of the God, or who call Him, Lord, Lord, but those who actually do the will of the Father in heaven. (2Ti 2:19; Mt 7:21, 22; Lu 6:46) The human body is dead and functionless except there is life in it. Thus a dead body cannot be functional even if it is adorned with the fairest treasures and decked with every precious pearl in the world. So what will make a church functional is the possession of the same spiritual life which was in the Son of God. Where such a life is lacking, the body will not be regarded as Christ’s body. But it is the members that make up the body: the hands, the legs, eyes, the ears, etc; and these members must receive supply from the blood which circulates oxygen and food substances in order to function optimally. In a situation where one body tissue is not connected to the source of the supply (that is Jesus Christ, the head) the body becomes sick and will not function properly. That infected body tissue needs to be nursed till it regains complete health to play its proper function in the body. If all efforts to heal the tissue fail to yield the desired result, the whole body will react in such a way as to expel the failed part in order for new tissues to be built so that the body will return to its normal condition. This process is not without some pains. An example is the expulsion of toxins from the human body in form of boils, etc, or in a situation where damaged layers of the skin are replaced with fresh ones. The failed tissue has to be expelled because it has become a poison to the rest of the body.

In other words, the spiritual health of one member of the church of Christ affects the entire body negatively or positively and needs to be attended to, in such a manner for the entire body to regain its perfect functionality. For each member to function properly, he needs to be connected to the head, Jesus Christ: he needs to be joined to the Lord! He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. (1Co 6:17) But if he is “not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increases with the increase of God”, (Col.2:19) he is soon cut off from supply of spiritual life; and becomes dead while he lives. Such a member may be seen in the physical meetings of the church. He may sing, pray, preach, teach, etc. But deep inside of him he is aware that all is not well. He may be a backslider, who needs to repent and do the first works; otherwise the head of the body will remove the little light that remains in him, and he will be left in utter darkness, worse than his former condition. (Lu 8:18, John 12:35) Or he may be a hypocrite or a son of perdition, who has shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: neither going in himself, nor allowing those who are entering to go in. (Matt 23:13) We can only hold the head by holding faith in Christ and a good conscience as an anchor of the soul; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck (1Ti 1:19). Putting it aside makes your spiritual sojourn shipwreck. Thus, it is not enough to just gather the crowd and talk about functional unity because of their link to the name of God’s church. There are many who have a name that they are alive but in reality they are dead. (Rev 3:1)

The church of God in Nigeria, according to my finding, dates back to the 1940s. The first congregation who found this truth is still well and alive in the truth. So the obvious question will be: What gave rise to the need to have other groups? Even if they came into being independent of this divinely founded church, why are they not willing to work with this church, after coming in contact with its heavenly beauty which was not only confirmed by heaven through spiritual fruits and gifts but also affirmed by holy ministers from America as not being merely a mission field, but as a field having been established in the truth? Is it not amazing that people could come from another continent to meet a congregation established without their influence, yet having the same truths as they? Of this wonderful event, Bro Michael Smith of the church of God Guthrie writes: “In the early 1900’s, there was an ignorant fisherman in Nigeria who gave his heart to Jesus Christ. That made him a member of the Church of God although he had never heard of the church. This man began to minister and God revealed the wonderful, pure truths of the Bible to him. A congregation was raised up which made them part of the visible body of Christ, as the Word and Spirit were operating in their full capacity. Subsequently, this brother came into contact with some of the pioneer brethren from the Church of God reformation in the United States. They were teaching the same thing and had the same spirit. Both groups of people then were the visible body in different locales. Once they made contact, there was a unity that spontaneously flowed between them.” What again were we saying about the functional unity of the church of God? Need we say more? Let them with ears hear!

Is it right for some who were once in agreement with sound doctrine to go elsewhere to import doctrines such as divorce and remarriage, tithing, musical instruments, etc, which neither the early church nor the church of God reformation movement in America supported? Now, some of them expect a sort of unity with the old church without a Berean investigation of the imported doctrines which were not with the church at the beginning! Many of the doctrines causing problems were not actually there from the beginning of the church. They were brought in unawares in the twentieth century. D S Warner and other nineteenth century pioneers didn’t hold such doctrines.

It is clear that rather than just doctrine, there are other issues on the ground; otherwise, simple seminar where doctrines are discussed would have been enough to resolve whatever differences may exist between various groups, like the one in Acts chapter 15. Where this is not the case, it is clear that there is no oneness of spirit among them. There are contrary spirits to the Spirit of TRUTH. They feign to be in agreement during Seminars, but go back to their former positions after the doctrinal differences appeared to have been resolved. What is sad about this is that these men appear to accept the truth shown to them during the seminar. Some of them even stand up to testify about their new conviction and saints rejoice to the glory of God. But, sadly, it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, the dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. (2Pe 2:22, Pr 26:11) The next seminar we will be back to square one! Yet, some think we can just go on with “unity” and forget about doctrines or seminars. Some would say they are already making efforts to put some things learnt in seminars into practice, but in the next breath, you will hear a new song from them.  Let us get real practical and face the real issue!
How can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Am 3:3) There is evidence that there is a difference of spirits at work. We cannot achieve true unity when we don’t have the same spirit working in us. However, if we have the same spirit, it will certainly be a different story from what we have today. “But”, as Bro Michael Smith testifies in his article titled: The Visible Body, “when people who are operating in the fullness of God meet, there is a sweet fellowship of love, and unity should be the natural outcome. Where there is a lack of unity, either the Word or the Spirit (or both) is not having total liberty among one or both groups.” A backslidden brother, for instance, who has failed in a certain area of his life ought to remember from whence he fell, and repent to do the first works, instead of taking side with false doctrines in order to justify his failure. He ought not to choose rather to embrace groups with questionable doctrines different from what he first believed, which gave him much vitality and spiritual life and blessings in the past? Why, for instance, should a brother fail in his marriage and decide to join a group that permits divorce and remarriage, which he preached against in the past? These are of the sort who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, having tasted the good word of God, but have fallen away and not renewed again unto repentance. When we don’t take heed how we receive TRUTH, the little we seem to have will be taken from us and we will left without feeling for TRUTH. “Being past feeling”, they are no longer touched by the prompting of the word of TRUTH. Having itching ears, which is not able to endure sound doctrine, they heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts. They prefer teachers who “come up with the message of love, that of forgiveness and other such harmless, cord-tying and friendly messages”. They now hold on to false doctrines and expect the church to receive them along with their new found church of God group, without discussing the controversial doctrines because it will harm the “unity”! If ever doctrines are discussed in their presence they either feign to be in agreement or keep their cherished doctrines to themselves, though they are being openly burnt up beyond recognition by the fire of TRUTH in the general discussions of doctrines, in order to preserve the contrived “unity”. This is not different from seven women taking hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach”, they love to keep the name church of God, but not the doctrine of God.

They argue that the issue is not the doctrine of God, but men’s perception of it. To them, God’s doctrine is not clear enough; everyone is now permitted to have their own version of it. Now I have mine and you have yours. So if you want unity, I’ll take some of yours and you’ll take some of mine. We will have a merger! All we need is “love” and “understanding”! Behold here we will have only molded another sect calf and name it “church of God” for the people to worship and wrangle over. “And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt”. (Ex 32:4)

What! Let everyone be honest about their spiritual walk with God. Let everyone check how far he has gone into compromise with self and with the world. This will yield a better result and a truly functional unity among saints, where every member performs their role in Spirit and Truth according to the grace given them. This is better than justifying our spiritual failings in keeping with a spotless holy life under the guise of doctrinal differences. “For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teaches, on teaching; Or he that exhorts, on exhortation: he that gives, let him do it with simplicity; he that rules [or oversees], with diligence; he that shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” (Rom. 12: 4-8)

Some in order to reduce the weight of guilt deny that it is the doctrine of Christ that is causing problems of groupism in the church of God. They suggest that it is the teaching of the apostles that is really the issue, as if the apostles taught independent of Christ and their teachings ought not to be given the same regards as the Lord’s. They willingly forget that the Lord, when he was with the disciples would say that he had yet many things to say to them which they couldn’t bear till the Spirit of truth came to guide them to all truth. (John 16:12-13) The Spirit of Truth that inspired the apostles did not give words of Himself but words of Christ who sent Him. The church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. (Eph 2:20) If these foundations are destroyed because of “unity”, what can the righteous do? (Ps 11:3) How dare any one of us disregard the inspired doctrines of the apostles just because they are not red-lettered in the Bible? These are the words that will judge us all on the last day!  (John 12:48)

It is the word of God that brings the faith which enables the Spirit of God to nourish the soul of each member of the church to perform their functions properly. (Ro 10:17) Hence each member must live by EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. (Mt 4:4) If we pick and choose the words to obey, it is as good as despising the personality of the Godhead, for God has magnified His word above all His name. (Ps 138:2) How can we ever grow well when we do not tremble at God’s word and treat His doctrine as something that can be set aside or traded for a sort of functional unity? (Isa 66:2) Newborn babies in the faith are supposed to desire pure unadulterated milk of God’s word in order to grow thereby. (1Pet 2:2) But God doesn’t expect us to be babies forever. We have to be guided to all truth! God is not pleased that what time we ought to be teachers, we yet have need that one teach us again the first principles of the oracles of God; becoming such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. (Heb 5:12) We all have to come in the unity of the faith. (Eph 4:13) We shall speak about this phrase much later.

Article III.                    

Section 3.01                 Carnal Marriages Compared with the Spiritual Marriage of the Lamb

It is a mistake to compare God’s church with the unity found in denominations. At this point, I wish to recommend D S Warner’s book titled: “What The Church of God Is And What It Is Not” for interested seekers. I believe that it will clear up all unnecessary doubts about what we mean by church of God. Here’s an excerpt: “The church is the body of Christ. And its being the body of Christ necessarily includes all His members. Therefore to call an earthly building the church is ridiculous. And to call an organized division the church is subverting the truth. No sect contains all the body of Christ, therefore, no sect is the church of God. Then as honest men, who expect to be judged by the Word of God, let us never call anything the church but the body of Christ; i.e., all the saved, either universally, or in any given locality.”

It is fascinating to note that “Paul the preacher knows how difficult it is for a believer to live with an unbeliever. But for the sake of our children, he advised that we manage the ugly situation”. The silent question here is: why would Paul permit a holy spouse to be unequally yoked together with an unholy partner? Light is not supposed to have fellowship with darkness. This is why marriage between the saved and the unsaved is frowned at. However, when the marriage was consummated before one of the spouses became saved, or when one of them leaves the faith after marriage, there becomes a problem because one of them has become darkness and light cannot co-habit darkness. Should they then separate? The Spirit and the Word say “NO”. Why? Because what God has joined together, no one can separate. If one of them chooses to depart, out of necessity, they should not remarry another partner because they are still one flesh before God. Marriage is honorable in all. It is irreversible! There is still a chance that the one who is not saved will be saved by the chaste conduct of the saved spouse. The children too will likely be won to God by the holiness of one of the parents.

However, can the holy bride of Christ be joined with a group that despises the wholesome doctrine of Christ, as it affects holiness, modesty, faith, abstinence, etc? A group that patronizes extra-scriptural practices like use of music instrument in active worship and monetary tithing in a New Testament, or any such things which neither the early church nor the church of God reformation of the 1880s contemplated, can be safely said to be fornicating with spirits of strange doctrines. If such groupists refuse to test their doctrines by the word of God but are proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth… the scripturally correct thing to do is to withdraw from such! Anything short of that is harlotry! Our unity in the earth is attested to by three witnesses: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood and these three agree in one, so should we, if we are in agreement with the three of them. (1Jo 5:8) May the Lord sanctify and cleanse the church with the washing of water by the word of God. (Eph 5:26)

We cannot compare the marriage of the Holy Christ and His blood purchased and cleansed church with that of saved and unsaved spouses, which remains unbroken even when one of them is in sin. The difference between both marriages is that the former is spiritual and eternal, while the latter is carnal and temporal. Sin breaks the marriage ties between a soul and God. (Isa 59:2, Ex 32:33, Eze 18:4, 20, Eph 4:30) This marriage is of a spiritual nature. It is between a soul and the Lord, not between two human souls. The union of the human souls in the church is because of their union with Christ, not independent of it. Thus, this union of the human souls is affected if one of the links with Christ is tampered. Erroneous doctrines lead to sin and should be avoided at all costs because it affects the tie that binds us. Babylon is hated because of the golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. This intoxicating wine is nothing but her false doctrines! We avoid it at all costs. If you’re accused of false doctrine, you only have to try yourself humbly by God’s word to be sure you are on the right. A humble soul, like a sheep, will not take up any doctrine for himself but that which was once delivered to the saints.

Section 3.02                What about Our Children?

We owe these precious souls of God much labor bringing them up with much prayer and much instruction in righteousness. If we train them up in the way they should go, we have but to trust God to fulfill His word in their life. (Pr 22:6) When they go out of the home, they move out as members of the church. Where ever they go they carry Christ’s body with them. They may bear fruit that will draw many to God. Thus, instead of looking for where to fellowship, they may be used of the Lord to build pure fellowship where mercy and truth meet together, and righteousness and peace kiss each other. Feed them with the truth, you will only rejoice to find the children walking in truth. (2Jo 1:4; 3Jo 1:4)

Section 3.03                Self Righteousness versus Holiness

We are being warned that “some of these doctrines made to be an object of division can lead to self righteousness and self or congregational holier than thou attitude, there is virtually no harm in unity.” This is very good warning. Self righteousness is like a filthy rag before God. (Isa 64:6) It is a source of pride and should be avoided by every means possible. It comes about when one’s approach to religion is based on works, rather than faith on the finished work of Christ on the cross for us. When the “works-loving” Pharisees asked the Lord, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God”, He simply replied that “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent”. (John 6:28-29) This is the REST that Jesus gives. (Mt 11:28) It is a rest from all works. (Heb 4:4) It is a rest of faith. (Heb 4:3) But the self righteousness will prefer their own works to the rest of faith that results in good works to the glory of God, the Father. “They being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God”. (Rom 10:3) No man can of himself work the righteousness of God. All self efforts to please God without the help of God, is nothing but filthy rags before God, because it is like using a filthy cup to fetch pure water. Every man needs to be cleansed by God first in order to produce good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Eph 2:10) If you are truly sanctified, you will not think that your good works are of your own making. Rather you will have an attitude of gratitude to the One you gave you the grace to be who you have become. These good works are enabled in the believer’s life by God’s grace through faith in Christ Jesus. This is why we cannot boast about them. These are not gifts that we deserve, nor could we achieve them on our own. Ours is an attitude of gratitude to the One who has accounted us worthy to receive the gift of righteousness. Therefore, abiding in this God-given gift cannot lead anyone to self-righteousness. Taking heed to yourself, and to the doctrine; continuing in them: will only both save you, and those that hear you. It will not lead you to self righteousness. (1Ti 4:16) Your attitude for the unsaved is a Christ-like compassion, a great heaviness and continual sorrow in the heart for their lost condition, wishing like Paul to be accursed from Christ for their sakes, that they may be saved. (Rom 9:2-3) On the contrary, it is only when you trust in yourself that you are naturally righteous and gifted, despising others, like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9, without reckoning Christ’s suffering at Calvary, that you can truly qualify as self righteous. Such are they who judge themselves of noble nature from birth, better than the rest of us; commenting on their good qualities without any reference to the grace of God; rather attributing their loving nature to some other causes than the salvation which God has given to us all. These men see no reason to separate from anyone as long as they are associated with the church one way or the other. After all “the Universal Christ advocated universal unity”!
Paul warned the early Christians night and day with tears for the space of three years that after his departure from this world some men would arise in their midst, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. (Acts 20:29-32) He had warned that such men be marked out and avoided. (Ro 16:17) John the Beloved called them antichrists! (1Jo 2:18) He added in verse 19 that “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”. The fact they went out from us does not mean we should go after them in search of unity. Even the “universal Christ”, who is for “universal unity”, warned his followers to beware of certain false prophets (Mt 7:15). He says this just after teaching hypocrites to “judge not, that ye be not judged” (Mt 7:1). While some don’t want you to judge the false prophets and unite with every wolf and sheep alike as far as they bear the Bible name, Christ went further to say: “by their fruits ye shall know them” (Mt 7:16, 20) Why does he not yoke everyone together in order to save some? Rather, he warns that his followers should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. (Mat 16:6, 11, Mar 8:15, Lu 12:1) We should beware of any kind of unity that doesn’t warn us to beware of these things which both Christ and his apostles warn us to beware of. It is a snare. It is a mixed multitude. We have to be free of any leaven or false attachment and be full of the pure bread of life: the TRUTH. The leaven of the Pharisees is hypocrisy. It is only hypocrisy that will make a Peter to deny the TRUTH of Christ’s doctrine, in order to be accepted by the teeming population who bear the Lord’s name in vain. This is the actual self righteousness we should be wary of, not the holiness that comes by faith. The purpose of the leaven is for impression through appearance. That is why they place much importance on how they appear before men. They are inclined to please fleshly minds. The flesh is forced to adjust his beliefs in order to appear right in the eyes of carnal men who are unlearned and unstable in spiritual matters. The Pharisees were fond of justifying themselves before men. (Lu 16:15) Should we now beg God to change some doctrines to enable unity to function or we should persuade men to obey God? “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Gal 1:10)

Section 3.04                Peter to the Jews and Paul to the gentiles

Talking about efforts towards unity, the ministries of both apostles of the early church of God is considered. They are both always viewed as men spearheading various missions. An attempt is made to compare this with the Nigerian situation. It is pertinent to the direction of this discussion for us to take an incisive look at the ministries of these pioneer apostles. It is shown in the following verse:
Gal. 2:7 “But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter
According to William Burkitt, “As pillars, [Peter, James and John] are to uphold the truth, by their doctrine and diligence; as pillars, to be constant in defending the truth against all the blasts and storms of error and false doctrine; as pillars, to adorn the truth by an innocent life, and instructive example, whereby they ought not only to shine before others, but also to outshine others… The ordinance both of Peter and Paul, for the office and work of apostles, was alike divine.  The former, St. Peter, was to be the minister of the circumcision: that is to exercise his ministry among the Jews, and St. Paul, by virtue of the same divine ordinance, was to exercise his office among the Gentiles, called the uncircumcision; yet this must not be so understood, as if Paul might not preach to the Jews, nor St. Peter to the Gentiles, which they both did upon occasion, but because their more special and particular province was thus, St. Peter to preach to the Jews, and St. Paul to the Gentiles.”
Albert Barnes posits thus: “It is evidently not meant here that Paul was to preach only to the Gentiles and Peter only to the Jews, for Paul often preached in the synagogues of the Jews, and Peter was the first who preached to a Gentile”.
Robertson adds: “This clear-cut agreement between the leaders "denotes a distinction of sphere, and not a difference of type" (Lightfoot). Both divisions in the work preach the same ‘gospel’”.
Peter, James and John, who resided in Jerusalem, gave their consent to the new path on which Barnabas and Paul, by independent revelation, had entered. So far from censuring, they gave a hearty approval to Paul’s independent course, namely, the innovation of preaching the Gospel without circumcision to the Gentiles. It is evident that they were not having different doctrines. Peter, James and John were convinced from the effects which Paul showed them by declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them (Gal. 2:8; Ac 15:12) that the ministry of preaching the same gospel of salvation to the gentiles was committed unto Paul and Barnabas. Paul’s ministry was tagged “gospel of the uncircumcision” not because it was a different kind of gospel, but because it was, of the Gentiles, who were to be converted without circumcision being required. While that of Peter’s was tagged “circumcision” because it was unto the Jews, who were already circumcised. Therefore he didn’t have to enforce circumcision on his audience as a means of salvation. It was false apostles or brethren who hadn’t received commission from God that brought in a different doctrine, which Paul had to resist and gave them no place by subjection not even for some so-called functional unity, no, not for an hour so that the truth of the gospel might continue with the Gentiles. (Gal. 2:4-5) Peter is the one who had originally opened the door of the gospel to the Gentiles (Ac 10:1-48; 15:7). But in the ultimate apportionment of the spheres of labor, the Jews were assigned to him (compare 1Pe 1:1). So Paul on the other hand wrote to the Hebrews.
The good news is that the ancient liar and deceiver, Satan has failed once again to import the idea that Paul and Peter kept different doctrines. There is no such thing in the Bible. For Christ has made both the Jewish and the Gentile churches one body, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between them. (Eph 2:14) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus! (Gal. 3:28) There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Eph 4:4-6) If it then be one faith, it therefore is one belief and one truth.

Section 3.05                  HOW WAS UNITY PRACTICED BY PAUL AND PETER?

We have been able to see, contrary to some opinions, that Peter and the other pioneer brethren gave their consent to Paul’s teaching. Peter did not have a different conviction from Paul’s teaching of circumcision. If he had a different thought it was before the vision God gave him about clean and unclean meat. The suggestion that he still lacked proper understanding about God’s view on circumcision or non-circumcision after the vision of heaven had been given to him is without scriptural support and such a suggestion cannot stand the onslaught of the Sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word of truth. The burden of proof is on proponent of such thoughts. The failure to bring scriptures to support it weakens the proposition till it falls, and fall it must under the hammer of eternal truth. If the suggestion is correct, why was Peter already eating with the uncircumcised Gentiles before certain people came from James? (Gal. 2:12) The real problem between Paul and Peter then was not about differences in doctrines, but the hypocrisy for which Paul swiftly rebuked him and Peter didn’t resist being corrected. We find evidence in Peter’s writing that he still had great love and respect for Paul after this incident. This is proof that Peter repented of his compromise. He referred to him as “our beloved brother Paul”. This was definitely free from deceit and fulsomeness, except Peter’s salvation is in doubt. The assertion that Peter spoke malignly about Paul’s epistle is only in the imagination of the claimer. Rather, Peter placed the same regards for Paul’s writing that he had for the rest of the scriptures. Hear his words:
 “And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” (2Pet 3: 15-16) It is no marvel how Satan can read malice in the words of holy people. Hmmm…! How easy it is for the flesh to read ideas into the actions of others, such ideas as they identify with in their own unredeemed nature! Are we all not witnesses to how the words of innocent servants of God have been wrested into malicious connotations? Things that never entered into their hearts are being suggested by way of commentaries to distort the truth and advance unscriptural agendas.
It is also necessary to clear the notion that the mention of Peter and Paul in respect to their different ministries to the Jews and Gentiles was to place them in positions of headship over two different church groups as some church groupism advocates seem to be insinuating; (it’s even wrong to come before God in groups! We come as individuals) it was only given as an attestation to the lawfulness of Paul’s work in comparison to Peter’s commission. This point is highlighted in the eighth verse of the second chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians: “For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles”. He here showed that it was the same Spirit at work in the services of both men. Paul was sent mainly to preach among the uncircumcised or Gentiles who should be saved without physical circumcision while Peter preached among the Jews. It was the same gospel, the same church but different communities. What’s our evidence that it is the same gospel? We know this for sure because if either Paul or Peter, or an angel from heaven or any other man for that matter, were to preach any other gospel, he would be accursed in agreement with the word of God in Gal 1:8-9. Let us give no place by subjection to the adversary of truth, no, not for an hour!

Section 3.06                The Triumph of Truth!

Praise God! The truth is marching on once again in our time. It is marching through the walls of misinformation, pulling down strongholds of errors and breaking up chains of confusion so that many hearts may be free indeed! Lo, the tyrant is not idle; he is there stirring up offence in hearts that should be in sympathy with his lies. But unaffected hearts will rejoice at the clearing up of tangles of wrong notions. They leap over the stumbling-stone and rock of offence, which the enemy of the truth places on the road for them in order to becloud messages that have good intentions to set things in order. They take joyful and quick steps to catch up with the pace of truth as He wields His mighty sword along to clear up more briers on the path of our faith in Christ. This clearance is not made in order to spite or make light of anyone, but to give truth its rightful place and function in the unity of all God’s children, freeing every one of us from the snare of the wicked tyrant, Satan, who with cunning and craftiness is lying in wait to deceive. This He must do for the unity we seek to be functional indeed. Now, what is the function of unity if it is not to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, that we all may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, not only with our voice, but more so, with our lives doing only His will in the earth as it is done in heaven? This is the more reason for pure hearts to rejoice with the hosts of heaven that unity is finding its true function. Let everyone rejoice with the truth! There is no party or personal interest in this matter. This is the conquest of truth over error. For the enemy of truth is the enemy of us all. Let no one be deceived in this matter!

Article IV.                   

Section 4.01                 Unity of the Jewish and Gentile Churches Considered

Now that this has been cleared, there remains no ground to suggest a kind of unity that allows a variety or diversity of conflicting doctrines in various congregations of the same body of Christ. For the faith which was once delivered to the saints of old is the same for all the ages of the gospel. It is not to be subtracted from or added to. So, if it is true, that “the unity we are pursuing today differs significantly from that found in the bible”, we are proven to be practicing an unscriptural unity; hence, it should be discontinued because it is unity founded on sinking sand. What about the unity between the Jewish church and the Gentile church? Was it geographical or doctrine inclined? If it was geographical, what happened to the Jewish church during the Roman siege on Jerusalem in 70AD? They followed the hint given by the Lord Jesus in Luke 21:21 to flee from Judaea when they perceived Jerusalem compassed with armies, and fled to Perea, a Gentile city. Thus, they were bound to meet fellow believers, believing the same thing. Christ had prayed for them to be one. It is either they were truly one or God despised the prayer of His Son. It definitely has to be the former!
It is admitted that there was a doctrinal issue on circumcision, but it was quickly resolved in favor of the TRUTH as shown in Paul’s teaching. All the apostles and elders in the church at Jerusalem, including Peter and James, were in agreement with the truth that no one should put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither the Jewish fathers nor their children were able to bear. (Acts 15:10) James even went further to cite Amos 9:11-12 in support of Peter’s position on the matter. (Acts 15:13-19)Thus, as far as the pillars of the church were concerned, there was no diversity of truth in that matter. The problem was actually with certain of the sect of the Pharisees that claimed to have believed the message of Christ, but rose up saying that it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the Law of Moses, and that except they were circumcised after the manner of Moses, they could not be saved. (Acts 15:1, 5) There were many thousands of them in Jerusalem. They believed in Christ, but they were also zealous of the Law of Moses. They had been informed that Paul taught all the Jews which were among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.  (Acts 21:20-21) This stirred so much ill-feeling and trouble for Paul that some of the Jews were determined to end his mortal life. Although the apostles in Jerusalem seemed to be silent about whether the Jewish Christians were supposed to circumcise their children or not, it is clear that they didn’t support the false doctrine that circumcision is required for salvation. That is clearly the point Paul was contending for. He was not opposed to the practice of circumcision in itself; otherwise, he wouldn’t have circumcised Timotheus. (Acts 16:3) He was only against linking circumcision to salvation. All the apostles were agreed on this truth; if not they would have insisted that the Gentiles be circumcised. The false brethren, who crept in or were brought in unawares, were the ones pushing for it (Gal 2:4; 2Pe 2:1, 10; Jude 1:4). These were the real trouble makers among the flock, the spots in the feast of charity, feeding themselves without fear. (Gal. 1:7; 5:12; 6:17; 2Th 1:6; Heb 12:15; Jude 1:12) Their doctrine was not approved by the apostles and elders. It was clearly rejected in the letter reflecting their resolution after the ministers meeting in Jerusalem. Therefore, the brethren in the Gentile and Jewish churches were not divided over this doctrine but it was these false Jewish brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out the Christian liberty which we do have in Christ Jesus that they might bring the church of God into bondage. (Gal. 2:4)
There were movements and relocations of members of the early church from one locality to another. They were received in the various congregations of their visitation as members of the same church. This wouldn’t be so if there was nothing like national or international unity as some people claim. We have an example in the record of one Phoebe, who was a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: she had cause to move to Rome, and a word went from Paul for the church over there to receive her in the Lord, as is befitting to saints, and that they assist her in whatsoever business she had need of: for she herself had been a helper of many, including Paul. Other examples can be found in lives of Epaphroditus and Gaius, who either went over to another locality or was hospitable to brethren and strangers from other places. (Rom 16:1-2; Philip 2:29; 3Jo 1:5-6) This is what every child of God ought to seek for.
Please, permit me to insert a few words from my renowned letter: Message from My Heart, which captures the kind of unity pictured above:
“You don’t unite a group of local congregations. It’s the individuals that come together in Christ. Individuals in the various groups ought to be allowed to grow at their own pace according to the grace God gives them, instead of being subjects and loyalists to various leaders of sub-groups within a uniting group. The location of Individuals ought not to interfere with their faith, except the faith is not based on the Holy Bible.  The individual groups cease to exist in matters of doctrine. The locality should not be a dividing factor. It is only a geographical factor, such that if we were living, or peradventure relocated to live, in the same environment, we would not have a crisis of having different doctrines. Let’s assume that a brother from Port Harcourt (take for example Chinwendu and his family, assuming he’s married) relocated to Benin and had to fellowship with the church in Benin City. Would he have to throw away the doctrines he has accepted as biblical (take for examples, feet washing and the Lord’s Supper) in order to be united locally with the church in Benin? …. Who would be happy to find out that he has been deceived to think the church is one when they hardly agree on fundamental doctrines?
Fundamental doctrines refer to the foundation. The foundation of the church of God is faith in the grace of God for salvation from sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His Son, unto a newness of life. If such a doctrine is wanting in a group that claims to be church of God (as shown in my letter which has not been refuted till this moment, but rather maligned) and yet certain interests seem to be clamoring for unity with such a group irrespective of doctrinal differences, can such interests be irreprehensible before God? What about doctrines that condone divorce and remarriages for whatsoever reason? Should we embrace a teaching that gives room for perpetual adultery in the name of some kind of unity, just because the people walking in the narrow way are few? Is unity all about numbers? No, at a point of history only one family of eight was living right in the whole world. God was content with the number. If in the whole world today, only one man dares to stand for the right, he alone represents the true visible church of God on earth. It is the truth that unites us, not worldly love. Light and darkness have got nothing in common. Christ prayed for the church to be sanctified by God’s truth, His word is truth. (John 17:17) For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one (Heb 2:11). Unity comes through sanctification of truth. If true and functional unity is desired every member of the church should seek for the experience of entire sanctification of truth, nailing our selfish interests to the cross. If we lose our lives we will gain it. (Mt 10:39)
We should not be disturbed because the church is not in every city of the world. The Lord of the harvest, who is in charge of the laborers, knows whom to send to wherever He wants. If it is truly His church, He will organize it in His own way. Our own role is to make ourselves as well as our belongings available for His use. The church and the Truth cannot be divorced. When truth is separated from the church, we have nothing but Babylon! Spread the truth, the church will be spread. Let us not be carried away by the zeal to have the church in every city of Nigeria and embrace unity at the expense of truth. We should not let our hearts be troubled about the unknown future of our children. We cannot serve idols in order for them to remain in the church and not run to Babylon. Church of God groups that deny the truth of God’s word after it has been made clear to them are not different from the Babylon we are trying to safeguard our children against. Let us only obey the scriptures by bringing them up in the truth. Leave the rest in God’s hand by faith. Trying to use human wisdom to make the church have functional unity will only turn us into Babylon. Let the church of God be the church of God.
D S. Warner said: “All efforts of union but that of God’s holiness is like pounding cold crooked pieces of iron against each other to make them fit together. The more blows, the more crooks and differences. Put them into a furnace of white heat, and they will lose their cold, stiff, crooked individuality, and flow into one mass. That is God’s way of uniting his people, in the fire of the Holy Spirit. All tinkering up platforms of union is wasted time. Each effort has only molded another sect calf for the people to worship and wrangle over. Freedom from sin knits together in love. But all merely strapped-up unions are bundles bound together to be burned. Bible salvation is all that is needed. This obtained, both union of heart and soul, and harmony in outward worship and life, will follow as a result or fruit of the Spirit. When “baptized by one Spirit into the one body,” and made to drink in the one divine Spirit in his fullness, there will be no trouble to “worship God in Spirit and in truth.” For all such “know the truth, and the truth makes them free.”

Section 4.02                Unity of Spirit and Faith: Theoretical or Functional?

In our brother’s paper, he wrote: “I will approach this unity on a practical view point. This is not an abstract or theoretical message on unity of faith or of spirit which does not necessarily refer to any known body or people”. It is proper for us to show what is meant by the Bible terminologies: “unity of the Spirit” and “unity of the faith” so that we do not use Bible words out of their biblical meaning, which is perverting the Bible. This will also help determine whether they are actually abstract or theoretical.

The word “unity” appears only three times in the King James Bible, namely; Ps 133:1, Eph 4:3 and Eph 4:13. In the Hebrew language it is called: “yachad”; pronounced: “yakh'-ad”. Yachad appears in 139 verses. {Strong, 03162} It is properly a unit, alike, (all at once), both, likewise, only, (al-) together, withal. In the Old Testament, it is mostly translated: together, sometimes, it is put as alike, knit and once it is called unity. But in the New Testament, it is henotes in Greek, pronounced: hen-ot-ace'. It was twice used in the Bible. {1775 in KJV} It denotes oneness, i.e. (figuratively) unanimity:--unity. So when we say unity of Spirit, we mean, oneness of Spirit. The Holy Spirit within us is the same, producing the same fruit of love for God and man. This Spirit keeps us humble and teachable.

Some talk about unity of Spirit but their minds are sealed and determined not to receive sound teachings from ministers whom God anointed for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the [oneness, similarity, togetherness, harmony or unity] of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. While they seem to have found scriptural support for an infinite time when all church of God groups should become united in doctrines, it is clear from the above verse that it is the ministry gifts of missionary work of apostleship, preaching of God’s true messages, evangelizing the lost sinners, overseeing the local congregations and teaching sound doctrines among saints that will build up the body of Christ and cause her members to grow to their proper height. It is the truths they receive from God’s various servants into their hearts that will make the individual members fully mature in faith (being rooted, grounded, settled and unmovable in the Bible doctrines) and to come in the oneness of faith or truth, in the similarity of the knowledge of the Son of God, so that whole body can attain the stature of a perfect man (Jesus Christ), that is unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. It is just as if Paul had restated that: “we all grow unto a holy temple in the Lord, being fitly framed together”. (Eph 2:21) This is only possible when first there is a unity of Spirit; that is, we all possess the same Spirit of love, humility, and childlikeness, fitly framed together, not having the spirit of pride, debate, subtlety or hypocrisy. The unity of the Spirit makes it possible for the wolf, lamb, and the leopard to lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion sit down together to be taught God’s word together from the mouth of a little child. (Isa 11:6) Their hearts, being converted and made like Christ’s, are alike open to receive the love of all truth, that they might be saved. (2Th 2:10) But those who resist the truth, despise God’s humble ministers and receive not the love of truth, are given over to a reprobate mind, and sent a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. (Ro 1:28; 2Th 2:11) Such have gone into perdition, and have been manifested to be so, by their opposition to the truth. We don’t have to wait till all their followers have been convinced of their spiritual condition; otherwise Catholicism and Paganism will not have followers today. Rather their followers are even more in population than those who dare to stand for the right. These characters, which are ungovernable by the power of the Spirit and the Truth, ought to be discerned by spiritual minds and marked out for identification in line with the scripture, in order to keep the unity of Spirit among pure and like-minds.

This is not something to be treated lightly. The kingdom of God is for whosoever can eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ (John 6:54-58). His flesh is unleavened bread for the soul. We don’t need the leaven of the Pharisees, yoking our soul with lightness to gain men’s recognition. The doctrine of Christ is still the old truths, which make religious folks to say: “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” (John 6:60) The Lord did not give in to the idea of lightening up the doctrine a bit so that every Dick and Harry can become a part of the kingdom. Rather He asserted that “no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.” Will our “unity”-loving brothers ever come to this truth? We cannot be smarter than our Master. Speak the truth. Lovers of the truth will be drawn by the Father. They will hear His voice and follow. (John 10:16, 27) This is the right method. Many of the disciples who cannot endure sound doctrine are sure go back, and walk no more with the Lord. (John 6:66) The sheep are separated from the goats; and the wheat from the tares. The separation is so severe that He even asked the remaining twelve disciples: “Will ye also go away?” We don’t beg men to be united with the body of Christ. It takes only the determined to become members. We have to endeavor to enter in at the narrow and strait gate. It’s so narrow that we cannot enter in without giving up all of self. This is how we endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit!

If everyone endeavors to keep the unity of the Spirit, we will all come in the unity of truth. We keep this unity by abiding in the same Holy Spirit, by which we were sealed, not having a different spirit from the saints of all time and space. So our Spirit must be identical with the early church as well as with holy ones everywhere. This cannot be seen as abstract or idealistic. It is practicable. It was practiced in the early church. As many souls as love truth without bias are practicing it today among themselves, being like-minded and sanctified by the Truth, their fewness notwithstanding.

Section 4.03                Till We All Come…

“Coming in the unity of the faith” is not the same as “coming to the unity of the faith”. We come in the unity of the faith because we all have the same faith already! Some make much out of the adverb: “till” as if it is something infinite in time, perhaps, not attainable in this world or age, but only when Christ comes. This simply only talking about maturing of each individual member of the body of Christ, in the knowledge of the faith, not being children any more, being tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (Eph. 4:13-14) This is made obvious when you add up the two verses. Separating them takes the thirteenth verse out of its original context and changes its meaning.

We ought to give the more earnest heed to the truth we hear, lest at any time we should let them slip. (Heb 2:1) Let’s walk while we have the light, lest darkness come upon us. (John 12:35) Christ warns that we take heed how we receive truth, for more light will be given to whoever has received light; but whoever rejects truth, even the little he seems to have shall be taken from him. (Lu 8:18) This is very serious. Let’s not lose everything in the guise of waiting till… There are some who have not only rejected confirmed truths but make mockery of them openly, not only in their local congregation, but also in national meetings; we are expected to wait endlessly till they come to the unity of the faith?  Now, there’s one question I really want to ask:

Section 4.04                What about the Heretic?

Tit 3:10 makes it clear: “A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject.” The heretic is a sectarian who holds a different doctrine from the body of Christ. Some attempt to reduce the culpability of being sectarian by applying the term: “groupism”, which refer to being a variant group in the church of God movement. If groupism is the same as being loyal to all the teachings of a group whether or not they agree with the word of God, as made clear to your conscience by the Holy Spirit, it is then synonymous with sectarianism. Thus, clinging to one church of God group or another, in clear opposition to God’s word, is the same as heresy or sectarianism. One who is led by the Spirit of God ought to reject such heretics, after the first and second admonitions. These admonitions serve as opportunities to give instructions in meekness to those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. Is it possible that anyone of us has past feeling of trembling for sound teaching and has become no more responsive to holy instructions so that God cannot reach them anymore to give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth? (2Ti 2:25, Eph 4:19) They will oppose themselves because they fight with their conscience, speaking lies to themselves in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron, doting about questions and strifes of words (1Ti 4:2, 1Ti 6:4).  How do you unite with such a one? Certainly, that kind of unity lacks scriptural examples, and thus, is not spiritually functional.

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. (Ro 16:17) If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. (1Ti 6:3) Whither appeareth the universality of unity in cases such as these? Is it not thus clear that unity is homogeneous? The homogeneity of the church must be preserved. God is no respecter of persons. We are in the church because of the faith. If we deny the faith, we are out of the church. Period! Thus when pride is noticed in a professed member of the body of Christ who is not willing to submit himself to the truth or appeal to brethren to help bring his case before God’s throne for help to overcome his weakness, such an errant person is to be marked and avoided, lest many be defiled by his fleshly influence. This is how the body of Christ is kept free from spots and wrinkles, to remain spiritually functional. This is the only way unity can be functional, as brethren will feel at home with their hosts who have similar beliefs and practices, etc. They can fit into fellowship and function as if they were still in their home congregational, without fear of strange teachings. They are excited to know that it is the same Spirit at work in their home congregation that is also in operation in the other one. A unity-in-diversity of doctrines cannot bring this kind of joy to the hearts of the visiting saint.

Section 4.05                Making a Difference…

It cannot be denied that there’s room for some degree of differences in areas that are otherwise not clearly spelt out in the Scriptures, which perhaps some individuals have been led into in their conscious walk with God. For example the issue of meat and vegetables that was treated by Paul in the fourteenth chapter of Romans. Let every man be fully persuaded. That is the rule.
Let everyone be guided by the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of truth who guides the church into all truth. Although all members of the church do not grow at the same pace, if the growth is steady, we will all surely come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Faith comes by hearing the word of truth, yea every word which proceeds from the mouth of God! It is the Holy Spirit in the heart of man that builds up this faith in God. We need to keep ourselves in the love of God, keeping His word in our heart. This is the way we endeavor to keep the sameness, oneness or unity of the Spirit, so that it is the same Spirit in me that is also working in my brother. When we have the same Spirit, we can come together and learn of Christ through the various ministries in the body of our Lord. Since faith is based on truth, it is no wonder God is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and truth. We need both the Spirit and the Truth. It is not enough to hold truth and leave the Spirit, or pursue the Spirit and turn our back on the truth. They both agree in one with the blood of cleansing! (1Jo 5:8)
However, clearly confirmed doctrines in the scripture should not be relegated to the class of “every-man-on-his-own”. This is how sectarians see our abstinence from use of jewelry. The same verse that advised our judgment to avoid gold is the same that forbids the outward adornment of plaiting the hair and costly array or apparel. There are no other scriptures that clearly forbid use of gold for adornment apart from 1Tim2:9 and 1Pet3:3, 4. It is amusing to see those who ignore these scriptures struggle hard to defend their position on not dressing up with gold and pearls, when unbelievers confront them.

Section 4.06                The Doctrine Of Hair, Doctrine Of Shoe, Doctrine Of Vegetables, Spoon…

Should this holy instruction be ridiculed by tagging it along with others as “the doctrine of hair, doctrine of shoe, doctrine of vegetables, spoon, tie, and of tithes, cummin and so on”? Can truly say that such a heart that produces such a thing sincerely desires to receive more light on the matter; or has the mind not been set already?

Some also make light of the instruction on the ground that 1Cor 11:15 states that long hair is given the women for a covering. Effectively, they have inadvertently shown the scriptures to be conflicting. But this is not true. That verse never instructed anyone to plait the hair. The subject matter of the chapter is not even the length of the hair. It is about hair covering. For those who are quick to conclude that it is only the hair that is given the woman for a covering, we shall here ask:

Since Paul states that “every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head”, does it now mean that African women without very long hair for covering cannot pray or prophesy?

Section 4.07                Conclusion of the Matter

I hope it is now very clear from the foregoing that any arrangement for unity which is not based on the sameness of Spirit and Truth is nothing but dysfunctional unity, where infectiously sick, diseased, dying and dead members are lumped together with the living, causing dizziness, slumbering and staggering of the whole body. The Word and the Spirit are slain but not buried in the open church and men give gifts to themselves such as national head, zonal heads, local heads, etc.

My argument for doctrinal unity, which is produced by spiritual unity, is not in any wise adverse to functional unity; rather, it makes it possible. Any other arrangement than this one that is backed by many irrefutable scriptures, howbeit being garnished with lofty human ideas, pragmatic and attractive, “is like pounding cold crooked pieces of iron against each other to make them fit together. The more blows, the more crooks and differences”. As much as we desire a functional unity which has an appeal to the simple and spiritually unlearned minds in our locality we should be wary of molding another sect calf for the people to worship and wrangle over, for the overspreading of abominations. Instead of giving in to the mounting pressure around us to appear socially attractive and neatly organized like the denominations who have more appeal to the local populations, let’s search out the truth of God’s word, whatever it is and present the church to the world as the unparalleled bride, undefiled who is but one; the only one of her mother; the choice one of her that bare her! (Song 6:9) The denominations in the world are only organized by men’s idea. We cannot win men by our own ideas; it’s God who draws them to Himself. A common saying is that the truth is bitter. In the same way, Christ did not appear in an attractive form to the flesh. (Isa 53:2) It is the Spirit that quickens the heart of man. Let’s walk in the Spirit, since ours is a spiritual organization. It takes only the spiritually minded to judge the design of the foundation of God. The natural world cannot judge a spiritual organization. But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. (1Co 2:15) Yet, again, this may appear, to some minds, as pride and arrogance, depending on the side of the divide you stand. Now the question will be: “Who’s on the Lord’s side?” (Ex 32:26) Let every precious soul take heed.

Thanks for your patience.

To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ who is the head of the church and the savior of the body. Amen.

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