History of the church of God in Nigeria

The History of the church of God in Nigeria

The history of church of God in any given locality can be traced to the very first day that a soul in that vicinity was saved from sin and quickened to reign with the Lord Jesus Christ in heavenly places; and this can hardly be adduced at this moment to the inquirer. However, the glorious morning light of truth which touched planet earth at the first advent of the Messiah was obscured from human view through apostasy and divisions in the dark and cloudy ages. While the evening light of truth shone brightly around the American shores in the late nineteenth centuries, its beam was sighted about six decades later somewhere around the Nigerian town of Tombia, located in the Niger Delta region; and the reflection of the evening light in that part of the world was not by the physical effort of any human emissary from America, but by the sole divine influence of the Holy Spirit. 

In the early 1900’s, there was an ignorant fisherman in Nigeria who gave his heart to Jesus Christ. That made him a member of the Church of God although he had never heard of the church. This man, named Benson Taylor began to minister and God revealed the wonderful, pure truths of the Bible to him. A congregation, named “CHURCH OF GOD” was raised up which made them part of the visible body of Christ, as the Word and Spirit were operating in their full capacity. Subsequently, this brother came into contact with some of the pioneer brethren from the Church of God reformation in the United States. They were teaching the same thing and had the same spirit. Both groups of people then were the visible body in different locales. Once they made contact, there was a unity that spontaneously flowed between them.

Late Brother Benson Taylor and a few associates of his in 1946 had separated themselves from the Faith Tabernacle sect in Tombia in the present River State of Nigeria. The Faith Tabernacle was then considered a safe haven for those seeking God’s help in the town. But the Lord shook the foundation of the sect, and many of His children came out of the ruins, happy and salvaged.

They began to preach the light God had revealed to them within Tombia and its environs. Without any previous knowledge or human direction, they were used of the Lord in establishing the church of God fully in Tombia in 1948 with Brother Benson Taylor as Pastor. They depended on the Lord for the name of the church and found the name written in several verses of the Holy Bible (Ac 20:28, 1Co 1:2; 10:32; 11:22; 15:9, 2Co 1:1, Gal 1:13 and 1Ti 3:5). They made every effort to stick to the Bible alone for doctrine with the help of the Holy Spirit. In due course, the Lord brought them in contact with some missionaries from America who labored in line with the vision given to Brother Daniel S Warner since 1880. It was a great joy for the Africans to know that the Church of God had since returned from the wilderness of Babylonian captivity, and that many saints had labored to restore the truths of the early morning church. This is the same body of truths which came fully from heaven on the day of Pentecost, but fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (or prophetically reckoning each day for a year, Nu 14:34). These 1260 years or prophetic days of Papal dominion had spanned through the years 270 AD and 1530 AD. Immediately after the popery heyday came “another beast… up out of the earth”, having “two horns like a lamb”, and speaking “as a dragon” (Rev 13:11). This protestant power held sway over the ecclesiastical heavens for three hundred and fifty years till the evening light started shining in 1880 AD (Zechariah 14:7).

In the year of the Lord 1961, one Late Brother B U Etuk accepted God’s call and was instrumental to the springing up of the church in Asana, his native home and its environs in the present Akwa-Ibom State of Nigeria. Through God’s divine providence, they got in contact with the saints in America. In response to Brother Etuk’s request, they came in succession, which credited the Brethren in Asana with the honor of hosting the first missionaries of the church of God to Nigeria in 1963. The work flourished with subsequent visits of missionaries, but was limited to that area. More of the mission work of the American brethren can be obtained from http://www.africamission.com/

Late Brother Titus Enu was also said to have embraced the gospel in 1965 while in Benin City. He had the privilege of meeting late Brother Cecil C Carver and his wife, May, who arrived Benin from Asana fields for Gospel work in that memorable year. Bro Enu, being converted, was baptized by Bro Carver before returning to America. God used Bro Enu in establishing His church in Benin City. The church flourished before The Nigerian Civil War. The army of darkness crept in unawares. Then came one Benson, a former member of the Assemblies of God sect, who was said to be under discipline in his former ministry; he was given a right hand of fellowship among the saints in Benin. But the work of God in Benin suffered some set back as a result of the Nigerian civil war, which erupted in 1966. Bro Enu, being from the Kwale stock, which was considered kin of the Ibo Tribe that was seceding from the Federal Republic of Nigeria, was forced to flee to his home town in Ndokwa Local Government Area. Coming back to Benin after the war, he was dismayed to find out that the beloved Brother Benson (who is now also late) had taken over the church, and had introduced the Pentecostal and Word of Faith doctrines, centered on material prosperity. His fame took over the land in few years, registering the church with the government and establishing branches within and outside the country. The heart-broken Brother Titus Enu soon returned to his hometown to continue the ministry work, leaving the church in Benin for brother who had been accepted as head among the congregants.

The name of the church was revived in Benin City in the early eighties when some zealous brothers, who had heard about the travails of Brother Enu, went round the old saints in restoration efforts.  This effort was undermined by poor knowledge of truth on the part of proponents of the restoration movement, who may be regarded as unskillful in dividing the word of truth rightly, being in need of teachers and guides. The experienced leaders of the church were limited by a number of factors such as want of resources to cover a vast portion of mission outside their locales and lack of acceptance of their ministry by the new comers who came in with an underdeveloped perspective of the sublime elements of the visible body of Christ. The major leaders of this new move are men who hold a contrived understanding of leadership in the church, such like was condemned of Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 20:26, Mark 10:43 and Luke 22:26. Thankfully the Lord is now raising few souls among them who dare to stand for the right to look not to men but commit the keeping of their soul to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. These redeemed ones have been wonderfully helped by the Lord to understand that the purpose of the Church is not to settle down and enjoy the wealth of this world, like some misled elders have taught, but to be the light of the world, to spread the good news of true salvation, and to show lost souls the love of God by good works.

As a result of doctrinal differences several groups that answer the name “church of God” in Nigeria could not remain united but parted through the years. 

This lack of cohesion among the groups is heavily sustained by the unwillingness of many to fully consecrate their hearts to the desire of Christ for His church on earth,but allowing satan to multiply sects in the name of God's church;
 as well as the activities of several bodies in the United States who lay claim the same name but do not adorn the wholesome doctrines of the Holy Bible, as well as the conniving deeds of some Nigerian ministers, whose hearts have been exercised with covetous practices, having forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. Another party includes groups who may not have deviated due to financial inducement from overseas, but have been led captive by the devil through ignorance and pride; they are ignorant because they have not been patient enough to learn of the Lord and His faithful servants, and proud because they think themselves somewhat, having a special position in the body that would not condescend to be taught. These groups are content with the name of the church but deny the right of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to operate among them in their full capacity, having exalted and magnified the rule of men in the place of the government of Christ Jesus who is the true head of the body (Ephesians 5:23 and Colossians 1:18). There are some who even operate in a way that could be described as cultic, because of the undue control and influence they have on their congregants. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity (2Timothy 2:19).
The Word of God is still growing mightily and prevailing, as sincere souls are being saved and kept by the power of God from spiritual Babylon, pledging their allegiance to the Lamb of God, and rejecting every human creed wherever they are found. There are now several congregations in Akwa-Ibom, Ebonyi, Bayelsa, Imo, Lagos State and a handful of others in the South-Western and Northern parts of Nigeria. Camp meetings are held every year, with members from various parts of the country and beyond, congregating in venues which are changed from year to year. God’s children keep themselves occupied daily in the work of the ministry and in earthly labor, to minister unto their necessities, and unto needs of others, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Amen!

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